Abdulmajeed Yamani

he / him / his

Abdulmajeed Yamani

Senior Academic Advisor


Location: Castetter Hall (Bldg 21), Basement Level

Advising Philosophy

As an academic advisor it is my goal to assist students as they navigate the often-difficult world of higher Ed. I believe in a holistic advising approach and understanding each student as a whole person and not just only a student. With each student interaction I will commit to the following: 1) Develop Autonomy. The best way one can assist someone is to help them understand the way things work and how to work them, this way they will be able to look out for themselves when the time comes. Students must understand and truly feel that they are the one in charge of their futures. Empowering students with information and methods on how to make informed decisions makes all the difference. 2) Maintain Knowledge / Encourage Involvement. As an advisor, I will be engaged with the university’s resources, policies, procedure, and various offices. I will also stay aware of current events and changes that happen within their client population. It is important to not only care about students, but to show that you care. I strive to encourage students to be engaged and involved with campus life. It is also my goal to make information accessible to students and be able to provide them with opportunities that I may come across.  3) Develop Purpose. Asking students questions that interrogate why they want to do what they are doing is something I believe will help them develop a stronger sense of purpose. I want students to have a sincere interest in what they are doing and find their place in the university and the world at large.

About Me

I was born in California and raised in the UAE. I am of Moroccan and Mexican/Yaqui heritage. I moved to Albuquerque in 2022, the same year I graduated with a BA in Anthropology from the University of California, Santa Cruz. Outside of work I enjoy hiking, painting, carpentry, and am interested in sustainable building/living practices.
